The Truth about the domestic spy operation

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Over the past few years, numerous registered persons have received notices in the mail from a website called and have raised concerns over the website. NextDoor is a social media website, much like Facebook or Twitter, but the hook is the focus on a local community. The idea was to create a social media outlet for your community so you can share any news of local interest from yard sales and missing pets to important events in your local community. As NextDoor’s about us page describes it:

Nextdoor is the world’s largest social network for the neighborhood. Nextdoor enables truly local conversations that empower neighbors to build stronger and SAFER communities.” (Emphasis added.)

Unlike other social media outlets, you have to send in proof of address, just like if you were signing up for a government service or utility just to be able to access NextDoor. From Next Door’s ‘About” page:

“Nextdoor makes it safe to share online the kinds of things you’d be okay sharing with your neighbors in person. Here’s how:

1       Every neighbor has to verify their address
2       Every neighbor signs in with their real name”

Would you trust Facebook with your personal information in light of their repeated controversies, including the recent Cambridge Analytica data-mining scandal? I would not, and I would treat NextDoor with the same level of distrust as I would Facebook. But NextDoor is a private forum and registered citizens are rightfully concerned about what type of information is posted about them. But registered citizens are banned from using the site. As noted on the NextDoor user agreement page, “You may not use our Services if: (1) you are a resident of the United States and are under 13 years old, or if you are a resident of the EU and are under 16 years old, (or do not meet applicable age requirements to use social media services where you live); (2) you are a registered sex offender or share a household with one; (3) we previously disabled your account for violations of our terms or policies; or (4) you are prohibited from receiving our Services or platform under applicable law.”

This policy will prevent anyone living at that address from accessing If you are a non-registant living in Apartment number 1 and a registrant lives in Apartment 101, you cannot access NextDoor. If you are someone living in the same house as a registrant, you cannot use NextDoor. If you are a non-registrant moving into a vacated residence once occupied by a registrant, you cannot use NextDoor.

Furthermore, NextDoor requires users to actively report those who are ineligible. “We need your help to enforce these eligibility requirements. If you believe that a member in your neighborhood does not meet these eligibility requirements, you may report your concerns to us via our Help Center. Nextdoor reserves the right to refuse registration to any person or household and to suspend, delete or deactivate your account or limit your privileges at any time, without liability to you.”

Like other social media outlets, some local law enforcement agencies use NextDoor. Like other social media outlets, NextDoor also has a problem with vigilantes, racists, Nosy Nellies, and other assorted scumbags, some of which has been noted extensively online. (NextDoor also discriminates aginst the homeless since you must have a verified address to use their services.) Since neighborhood watches are a central part of the advertising ploy of NextDoor, registrants have no idea who is targeting them through the website.

NextDoor justified this policy to an inquiry in 2017 by stating the following:

NextDoor stated, “While we understand that people end up on sex offender registries for a wide range of reasons and that not everyone on the registry is a threat to their neighbors, we work with more than 170,000 neighborhoods across the country and have no way of reliably determining which people on the registry are a potential threat and which are not.” Does NextDoor provide background checks on those not on the registry? No mention is made in the user agreement about any other convicted criminal. Thieves, robbers, drug dealers, scam artists, and even murderers can sign up for NextDoor. Incidentally, former CEO and founder of NextDoor Nirav Tolia pleaded guilty to criminal charges in a hit-and-run accident in 2014, remaining CEO until 2018.

NextDoor stated, “We have the added challenge that the success of Nextdoor in a community depends on our members feeling comfortable sharing personal information (both required information like their real names and addresses, as well as optional profile information–including the names and ages of their kids) with their neighbors. So if members decide they no longer feel safe sharing this information on Nextdoor, even if this belief is misguided, Nextdoor can no longer be successful in that community.” I cannot imagine people feeling safe sharing their personal information to begin with. Since most sex crime arrests are of persons lacking a criminal record, and since few on the registry are ever rearrested for a sex offense, most threats would not be banned on NextDoor in the first place. I agree with the statements some people have misguided beliefs.

The finally justification for Nextdoor’s policy is,“Nextdoor works with with thousands of police departments and public agencies, whose willingness to work with us and to recommend Nextdoor to their constituents depends in part on our commitment to keeping our members safe. So we have to be conscious of setting policies that these partners are comfortable with. And when I asked our Agency Team the question you asked us (which partner agencies feel strongly about this policy), they responded that they wouldn’t be able to single out specific ones because they are asked about this policy in every single meeting they have with potential agency partners.” If government agents are using NextDoor to pass along sensitive info that is typically a violation of the terms of use policy, then this is all the more reason not to exclude anyone from NextDoor.

Since Facebook and Twitter have been utilized by organized vigilante groups, then it is reasonable to assume that they use NextDoor as well. Since NextDoor is a local level social media, vigilante activity is more of a danger to registered persons and their families. After all, posts made about you aren’t from vigilantes a thousand miles away, but from someone possibly living next door.

In September 2018, a registrant filed lawsuit against NextDoor, arguing that the Law Enforcement use makes NextDoor a state actor. As mentioned in the suit, “As one Seattle reporter previously blacklisted by Nextdoor has aptly noted: ‘Nextdoor wants to have it both ways: To be a “partner” with cities and conduit for city officials to share information with and solicit feedback from residents, and to be a private social media app where neighborhood residents can say things to each other that they wouldn’t want to say in a public forum. I maintain it can’t be both, and that it shouldn’t be either.’” At last check, the lawsuit is still pending, though the CEO stepped down in 2018. (See original complaint at

NextDoor wants to keep registered persons from finding evidence that members of their groups are engaging in threatening or criminal behaviors. Registrants are subject to ostracism, threats, assaults, and even murder, and it seems social media whips many up into frenzies. I find it unethical for law enforcement agencies to post registry info on social media; with NextDoor, we cannot see the listing to verify the posts even contain accurate information. NextDoor should be held accountable for their discrimination of registered persons and their loved ones.


Derek W. Logue of

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22 comments for “The Truth about

  1. linda
    November 7, 2019 at 9:06 am would be helpful many ways in the community ,yet, banning one specific group of human beings is a type of prejudice and racism ! I would never be involved with people who are so blind and ignorant to the facts that have been proven truth . People are so simple minded and believe everything they hear without finding the true facts ! Hearsay means nothing -review the facts ! No one listens anymore or they are just plain ignorant !

  2. Sue Kingsman
    November 7, 2019 at 5:10 pm

    So…the next door neighbors could be running a meth lab and nobody in the neighborhood would know it, but the people running it know all about everybody else in their neighborhood. Makes me feel safer!

  3. Sandra Harvey
    November 8, 2019 at 8:29 am

    I’m a NARSOL member and live in Leesburg, FL. I
    can tell you that most of their regulation outlines for joining ND are not followed. The Corporate Office isn’t even in charge of it anymore as they have delegated the job to what call “Leads” from each community that have no special training or skills. The “leads” in each community and are actually the ones that draw the perimeters of a “neighborhood”. Our Lead choose to included the people living on the streets around the gates of ours community which now include them though we live in a privately owned over 55 community. Because of this we’ve our ability to share things with our close neighbors as we once did. The Leads also receive postcards which they can freely distribute and I’ve also heard other people say they received theirs randomly in the mail. When I moved here almost five years ago it wasn’t this way but it’s as though they are out of control and lost sight of what they set out initially to be. They sent out notices encouraging growth and a wider span of communication saying they didn’t want anyone left out and soon to follow came the commercial advertisements from all media’s . Now we’re loaded down with them. There is NO verification process to my knowledge and when I moved here I never signed my name to anything . If you want to read what kinds of posts are on ND it would not be hard at to infiltrate the site by simply choosing an address within the perimeters (which are now just about the entire city) . I could probably help you. What ever they started out to be , they are no more. I can tell you that with all certainty.

  4. wihz
    November 10, 2019 at 2:28 am is a clever circumvention of that nagging Meagan’s law web page. The one where it warns people NOT to use the information to harass anyone on the registry.

    Law makers and law enforcers are crafty in their ways. How do we promote “vigilantism”? By making it look like “neighborhood watch”.

    Marsys’ law= how do we finally erradicate the presumption of innocence? By being “pro-victim” and giving them near-prosecutorial immunity at trial.

    How do we cover-up prosecutorial misconduct? Just blame it on a “lame public defender”.

  5. Tim in WI
    November 10, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    Where the ubiquitous nature( NC Packingham) of internet firms conflicts with individual liberty guaranteed under specific clauses contained within comes to light. The age of the smart machine claimed nature first it; now consumes interpersonal privacy principles in favor of surveillance capitalism. Firms have reason to desire what human users may do in the near future. Are you using the internet? OR is it using you? The Answer is Both, but leverages on profit potential skew a equitable symbiosis rendering the relational disposition parasitic in favor of machine owners. Contagious experiments on social media have long been underway. They are used to alter behavior via manipulation from social media messages that run in users face. Data protection is now a priority in many circles but it was the sexual offender who cracked open the electronic gateway to get information flow and unfettered use of the database. The focus on the unique component ” data” that is subjected to analysis could not have evolved without first [emphasizes] normalization of ” lawful collection & storage” of same data. All artificial intelligence is derived ( synthesized) via programmed analyses of known human data point sets gathered over time.

  6. Scott
    November 11, 2019 at 2:17 pm

    I wouldn’t want to use NEXTDOOR as they already violated my rights to free speech among other rights. I DO NOT use FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other site that is violating my rights.

    I don’t believe in neighborhood watches because in reality, it’s the one’s who are watching YOU that should be watched as they are using that for political control. anyone that approaches my yard without any type of uniform or badge is turned away without question. I tell them point blank i am not selling and i am not buying to carry on.

    The registry is just a waste of peoples money and another way for people to be nosey and worry about other peoples affairs. People need to air out their own laundry before they air out someone else’s. They should concentrate on banning porn from their loved ones within their own household and the LGBTQ agenda. Whats the difference between a SO and self proclaimed Homosexual or Lesbian or Cross dresser, especially when they frequent biological opposite sex bathrooms?? Doesn’t that raise any red flags with youngsters who see a man in a womans bathroom or a boy in a girls bathroom?? Who’s fooling who here??

  7. Sharon
    November 12, 2019 at 11:04 am

    What an interesting concept, watching people watching you! HA-HA! I just thought of looking out my window across the way to see someone and they’re looking back at me, eyes locked, silent, knowing.

    So, now we don’t have to look out our window to see what the neighbor is doing anymore, we can look at our computer and know more about them than they do! While they are looking back at us through the screen.

    Promoting safe loneliness, and believing everything we read because the internet never lies.

  8. MARK S.
    November 15, 2019 at 8:39 am

    I marvel at the fact that today we have a torrent, plethora, flood of so-called crime cameras everywhere. Not to mention the enormous amount of cameras in stores, shops, malls, airports, hospitals ad nauseum. What fascinates me most is roughly the same amount of human beings that have become what I call: “crotch monitors.” That’s right, everyone watching everyone else’s crotch to see if they behave, keep it in their pants, or conversely, keeping their “chastity” belts on. Many of the men I have dealt with sex crimes, are for all intents and purposes very troubled individuals . Not the MSM community group think that a sexual offender is a pure “pervert.” Many with horrific pasts such as myself. And of course there is a slice of sex offenders who like what they do, do not think they are doing anything abnormal or wrong. But here we go now with the sex offender registry. The ultimate in crotch monitoring “globally.” So now you can have your crotch monitored in Israel, Japan, Germany, or any other europian county by just a few key strokes from the comfort of their homes…. I am pessimistic as to any change in state or federal sex offender registration schemes. Big data, lots, and lots of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, people are scared in legislation to make changes, the public so convinced that an ex sex crime felon is so dangerous they do not want them around. The conclusive presumption written in all registration schemes is so extant that “crotch” monitoring has become really big business and a “huge” cottage industry in so far as the USA is concerned. And remember, everybody is doing it. Everyone one way or the other,. Everyone. Virtually almost 7.7 billion people…

  9. Kayt
    November 15, 2019 at 12:25 pm

    Kay T here. I have tried to write my opinion in response to the sentencing of community watch and parole surveillance. It is now several paragraphs long, and heavily opinionated with my response to raising a child in the sex-offender version of hell. Way too long for a single comment.

    My question is: what are we doing that we are not doing, and what has convinced the public that those who are convicted of sex-offenses are human garbage? What can be done to refute that general opinion, and the mob of haters who choose to hate anyone who is in any way connected to a sex-offense? What can be done to wake up the world? What can be done to break through the sex-offender mythology that is believed by Mr.and Mrs. Public ? Mythology may or may not be a bad word to use, I wonder if I can call the haters a cult?

    What can we do in addition to, or apart from writing our opinions to one another to give one another moral support, and sending occasional letters to authorities; those whom we suspect never read the letters we send?

    I am writing a front page story about this myself, but we’ll see how long it takes, and if it’s accepted for this page. I hope it will be.

  10. Kayt
    November 17, 2019 at 6:29 pm

    Dustin, I agree with most of what you wrote. I have more to say – but later, and I just wanted you to know I have read your well thought out and nicely written post.

  11. MARK S.
    November 18, 2019 at 9:14 am

    Dustin: I will keep this very short.

    COGNITIVE DISSONANCE refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance. In short, the populous cannot accept the truth of research even if the research is overwhelming. The discomfort is too much. Ergo, the ubiquitous dissonance that is extant everywhere………….

  12. Kayt
    November 18, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    Cognitive Dissonance:

    In other words, we believe what makes us feel the most comfortable and as long as we feel comfortable we refuse to change.

    It’s very easy to ignore the truth when a person feels alright, or as long as the stakes are higher if the change is not made.

    Isn’t this what makes a gambler?

  13. Sharon
    November 22, 2019 at 7:44 pm

    I thought I’d share this, we see it every day, and it explains a lot, it has other names as well. I got this from the web. Repetition of false information is dangerous, because it creates believers, especially if they don’t look beyond the source. It can work for believing that something is true or false. In this case, what is being talked about here is believing the registry protects people, a very real illusion.

    The illusory truth effect (also known as the validity effect, truth effect, or the reiteration effect) is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure.[1] This phenomenon was first identified in a 1977 study at Villanova University and Temple University.[2][3] When truth is assessed, people rely on whether the information is in line with their understanding or if it feels familiar. The first condition is logical, as people compare new information with what they already know to be true. Repetition makes statements easier to process relative to new, unrepeated statements, leading people to believe that the repeated conclusion is more truthful. The illusory truth effect has also been linked to “hindsight bias”, in which the recollection of confidence is skewed after the truth has been received.

    In a 2015 study, researchers discovered that familiarity can overpower rationality and that repetitively hearing that a certain fact is wrong can affect the hearer’s beliefs.[4] Researchers attributed the illusory truth effect’s impact on participants who knew the correct answer to begin with, but were persuaded to believe otherwise through the repetition of a falsehood, to “processing fluency”.

    The illusory truth effect plays a significant role in such fields as election campaigns, advertising, news media, and political propaganda.

  14. Sharon
    November 22, 2019 at 7:55 pm

    Sorry, Re: the illusion affect of repetition information, I didn’t provide references, but you can find that information on Wikipedia, and follow links. I know Wiki isn’t reliable all of the time, that’s why I’m writing this second post. It’s looking up the links that would be important anyway, if anybody is curious about it.

    I have forgotten the other term for psychological repetition in propaganda, but I’ll bet others who read this can find one or more alternate terms.

  15. Mary Rob
    January 19, 2020 at 7:55 pm

    I just want to say, I had a neighbor in my building singing the praises repeatedly about how great ND was. I was initially reluctant to sign up as I don’t do Twitter, FB but got tired of his repeated insisting when I saw him. So I did (basically because I was tired of hearing about it). I should have read the terms but didn’t. Anyway, long story short, they compromised my contacts list sending out invitations to family members out of state, as I was sending them invites. So I discontinued them. Weeks later, they sent mailed letters out to my apartment complex, with my name on it asking them to join ND. Everything from the address sent to the person sending it suggested it was me with my building address and name on it. I never authorized or agreed to any of it. Don’t even know if it’s legal for them using US mail and my name and address, posing as me. I live in a 100 + unit complex. Do I know or want to know them all? (Not really) And I also work in a very public area of this neighborhood with people contact on my job. Some of those I find questionable to even begin to have anything to do with. I reported them to BB and to the post office after our complex manager called me saying she had received a number of complaints from other in the complex about me sending them invites into some group. This was soliciting and I needed to cease??? Obviously their leads are fully running the show and don’t care by what means they injure even innocent parties, using their private information for their own gain. I have to wonder how much more is behind it all.